This is the most fustrating part about being bald. If you're not already dating or married than there's no hope of finding a mate. Not talking about meeting with a wig then revealing afterwards about being bald. I mean being a proud bald women and having a man still find you attractive and sexy as if you had a head full of hair. Where are these men?

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The question should be, "How many people can I love?" Love begets love. Love grows and spreads. Go see the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun." Read the book "Eat, Pray, Love." Your life and learning does not depend on one man loving you. You may actually learn more and find bounty in many people, of all ages, who YOU love.
Wow. There is some powerful and meaningful advice in these responses. Confidence may not b easy all of the time but oh so important . You all r so great. I don't know what I'd do w/o this site. Thank you! I hope u change your mind / attitude pebbles have so much to be happy about. Try to focus on that. There is someone out there that will love you for your beauty inside and out..
I met my boyfriend with a bald head and I never once wore a wig. He loves me for me, not stuff growing out of my head. You need to have a positive attitude and be proud of who you are and walk around with your head up in the air. There IS hope in finding a mate.
Keep the faith sister. I had hair for many years and It took me 15 years to find love.Hair or no hair. True love must be waited on.
I don't know where they are, but they sure aren't located where I live, and for sure, they aren't African-American. Maybe they're all dead....
@ Cindie- I hear your frustration; I've spoken those words even before I lost my hair. They are not all dead, although it's hard not to think so. I think like everything else, it could be about location. Sometimes we need to leave the environment to entertain ourselves. I was born and raised in NY; I earned my B.A from Purchase Cuny, which is an art school. I spend most of my leisure time in Manhattan; my favorite place was the village. I'm not an artist, girl I can’t draw a lick. I just love the arts and people who are not afraid to be their selves and that’s why I went to Purchase and took Manhattan. So I say to you, if you have not; look beyond your environment. I always felt like people who love art and understood history are more acceptances to different things. I think baldness is art. When I see all our sisters and brothers from AW, I say “WOW”. I think I'm going to study schI hear your frustration; I've spoken those words even before I lost my hair. They are not all dead, although it's hard not to think so. I think like everything else, it could be about location. Sometimes we need to leave the environment to entertain ourselves. I was born and raised in NY; I earned my B.A from Purchase Cuny, which is an art school. I spend most of my leisure time in Manhattan; my favorite place was the village. I not an artist, girl I can’t draw a lick. I just love the arts and people who are not afraid to be their selves and that’s why I went to Purchase and took Manhattan. So I say to you, if you have not; look beyond your environment. I always felt like people who love art and understood history are more acceptances to different things. I see baldness as an art. When I see all our sisters and brothers from AW, I say “WOW”. Smile lady and keep the faith.
Sorry about the double paste. What the heck maybe saying it twice is a good thing LOL
I gosh i am so sorry you feel this way! I have yet to meet a man who is put off by my baldness and its not like i have super model looks or anything lol. I do, however, think i am a great person and have a kind and honest nature and i am sure you are a fab person too and your personality and good qualities will shine through. When i was younger and less confident i used to worry about mens reactions to me being bald and wearing a wig too, but dont be worried .... honestly, get out there, live life and have fun :o) xx
Who says they aren't? All I can tell you is that since I started my business in 1991, I've had many, many young girls as clients and now that they are all grown up they are almost ALL married - to NICE men - and they have kids. They have found wonderful men, not Shallow Hal men. If some guy is not attracted to you, fine, there are a dozen more out there who will be. Men are attracted to a woman who is strong, confident, makes the most of the looks she does have and who cares about HIM. If you are not willing to believe in yourself, then you will not find anyone who will believe in you. It's just not true that men are not attracted to bald women. They just aren't attracted to sad, depressed, grouchy or mean women. As long as you aren't one of those things and you have an open mind about all of the really nice men that are out there, you'll find a good one. Guaranteed. OH, and remember to tell him you have alopecia no later than the 3rd date.
So well put!!!
I wish all the best for you! I am pretty positive that it will only be a matter of time before you meet someone wonderful. I've not had many issues finding men as a proud bald women... more so when my hair was in the middle, like.. partially there with a bunch of bald spots.
so true! they are just not used to it :(



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