Dear Moms and Dad

My daughter was recently diagnosed with AA and in the last 3 months has lost quite a bit of hair. It is time for us to start looking for the right wig solution of her but I am very lost. Any advice at all will be very appreciated!! Thanks so much.

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We went to the Hair club for kids.  It takes a while to get set up, but not that long, and they will provide free wigs for your child till they turn 18.  I've been happy with them.  Just make sure to ask about tape instead of glue if you don't think you're ready for the hair to be sort of permanent, they get so few kids that they don't necessarily know it's an option, but I'm really glad we went with tape.

We have a Locks of Love wig. They were great to work with and we have an awesome vacuum seal wig. You can get the application on their website.



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