Female Pattern Baldness

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How long?

Hi everyone! I have a question for all that have FPB. I'm curious to know how long it took
for your hair to recede/fall out? Mine has been doing this for maybe 7 years. Its just now getting to
where the top of my head is almost bald. Major scalp showing through what little hair is left.
I'm just curious.
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    Mine started at around 14, at the time, and maybe until now doctors in Egypt were not familiar with the term alopecia and I did not know what was going on. I went to maybe 10 doctors, however, my hair kept receding. Now my scalp is showing and my hairline is way back. Now I am 38 and I've been wearing wigs for the past four years. Hope that helped.
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      Dora Mares

      mine has been falling out slowly during the past 10 years..in 2001 i saw the most hair loss...then a couple of years later it was looking a lil fuller...and now its back to being really thin, especially in my crown area...
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        It's been since autumn of 2008. That's when I noticed thinning around my crown area. I have one spot, and mostly thinning through the top, and sides.