Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads


Sisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads

This group is for women who have taken the bull by the horns and decided to shave their heads. It is also for those that aspire to someday shave their head. Hopefully we can provide support, guidance and compassion to one another.

Members: 257
Latest Activity: Jul 19, 2021

Discussion Forum

Why Do YOU Shave Your Head?

Started by Pam Fitros. Last reply by wombat123 Sep 10, 2013. 37 Replies

Looking for Smooth Baldness

Started by Nants the Rebellion Dog. Last reply by Themba Shenge Jul 30, 2012. 22 Replies

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Comment by Linda on January 16, 2009 at 7:06pm
Shaving is such a weighty decision, I, too, was still able to put forth what appeared to be a "normal" head of hair. But I worried that my hairweave looked unnatural or my wig may fall off or look unnatural. Shaving breathes life into my very free spirit, I am a lot more confident with a bald head than I've ever been with the wigs, weaves and hairpieces. What a journey this has been, Alopeciaworld has been there every step of the way, all of your stories, encouragement, support and motivation, keeps me as a cucumber, lol!
Comment by Lori M on January 16, 2009 at 6:51pm
Hey Linda babes,

Thanks for creating this group! I am going through the emotions right now....the hairloss is nasty now and no way I can't go without a wig. The synthetic wigs just aren't cutting it for me. I saw Debbi Fuller last week-end and am so impressed by the vacuum wigs. That is the solution for me. Just waiting to get to the point where say enough is enough and go for the gusto and pick up that razor and do THE DEED....

I am trying the shots right now.. Have just had one sesssion but hairloss continues all over the place. I may do a few more sessions and then call it quits. I at least will have tried them and will have peace of mind.

Pretty much right now it is wear the wig or wear a scarf. I just have to lose some more hair and that will be enough to make me shave the head. The moment I do that I will make the call to Debbi and get that vacuum wig in the works! LOL I am a little worried how I will feel doing it. I am sure I will absolutely freak so that is why I am waiting until the point where my head just looks so awful that I would look better bald. I can say though that the back of my looks nice bald! It is just having no hair on the top of my head and the front that freaks me out...Oh well I will deal with it in the end......
Comment by Vicsta on January 16, 2009 at 5:55pm
I have FBP and I shaved mine off in 2006 - actually my BF shaved it off for me. I wore a wig for a while at work and sometimes scarves out socially. Later I swapped to wearing scarves at work as I found them more comfortable than the wigs I could afford. I had my shaved head out when I was with close friends, family and my BF.

I can honesty say it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life... seriously. After years of losing my hair and being emotionally distraught watching massive shedding, I had nothing to look at anymore... no more chance to check out my balding spots, no more time to look at how much hair was dropping in the shower. It released me from the chains of HL for a while and allowed me to get on with my life.

In November 2007, I allowed it to grow back so I could see if my HL was still the same. It was exactly the same and I have now cut it into a 'pixie' haircut. I will probably shave it off once summer comes as it is so much more comfortable when it's hot.
Comment by Alexandra on January 16, 2009 at 4:51pm
Hi! I have female pattern baldness. The doctors say I won't go bald from this, but I am thinking otherwise. I'm so sick and tired of feeling chained to my hair, wondering how much I'm going to lose on a daily basis. I want to feel free! I want to be liberated from the Rogaine and the hair loss. I think the day is coming when I'm going to shave it off and get it out of my life. The only thing that stops me is that it's still cosmetically attractive. I can still pass it off as a normal head of hair.
I'm not sure what I should do. Does anybody have any stories?
Comment by claire on January 16, 2009 at 3:49pm
i shave mine on a weekly basis to get the patches... go on girls get your mach three razors out........
Comment by Linda on January 15, 2009 at 8:38pm
To all of the women on AlopeciaWorld contemplating shaving their heads, I understand your emotions and what you may be feeling as you consider the views of family, friends and others. I thought it would be nice to have a place to come and express your fears, worries, triumphs and share your journey with those of us who've been there and those of us who aspire to go there! Thanks for joining!

Members (257)



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