Hey you guys! So I'm a 17 year old girl who just graduated high school. I was diagnosed with areata my sophomore year and wore wigs when all my hair fell out. I was devastated and never thought this was something I could share with anyone. Only a few people knew, and I never allowed my parents to even bring it up because I would just cry. Something happened - maybe I was tired of how trapped I felt underneath my wig, or was just done holding myself back. But I decided to post a picture of my hair when it was all gone. Like, completely bald. I was so scared, because this was a part of my life that I had guarded so heavily for almost 2 years. However, the amount of love and outpouring of kindness I received was amazing. I didn't do it for the comments or for the likes, I did it because I just wanted to show everyone the real me, once and for all. It was sooo incredibly freeing. I guess I had an image in my head of what might happen if I showed people the real me - no one would love me, I'd be vulnerable, people would make fun of me - but once those colossal beliefs were shattered, I was free. Now I wish I did it earlier so I could walk the halls without my wig. I know - crazy, right? It's amazing what happens when you open yourself up. Also, for parents, mine were very encouraging and followed my lead. I didn't even tell them I was going to post the picture, but they were so pleased when I did. It opened up conversation and they never pushed me to do anything I wasn't comfortable doing on my own. I'd encourage you all to do something crazy - stop holding yourself back! Shatter your colossal belief and see how the world opens up around you. Sending love :)

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WOW! You're incredible and brave! I've been trying to do that all my life, and because of you, I might do it sooner. Being free is one of the best feelings! You're awesome!
Who can stand-against fafe

You go girl! Don't let society's beliefs on beauty stop you! You are beautiful just as you are. We are so much more than our outward appearance. Stay you! So happy to hear that you decided to choose freedom! :)

Awesome and brave of u,i can remember when i was ur age i felt like my world came to an end,people stared at me,asked if i have cancer,you know,i accepted my AA,some people called me half head,but that made me stronger....i am a proud AA.ive been living with Alopecia for about 25 Years now...stay strong and brave as you are swti

I am santosh upadhayay from India my problem is Alopecia 7 years all hospital medcin use but no response......
I am saudi working now medcin use but no response here...... Please about u
Wow you are amazing! I am in awe of you. I am 49 and have had AU since I was 7. I only have the courage to go bald in front of my immediate family even after all these years, sadly because I don't like the way I look without my wig. I have just recently been comfortable with wearing a bandana in front of my friends. I wish I had your confidence. Thank you for your inspiration!

Hey! So good to hear this from you! I am now 23 years old with AU and for me, it all started when I was 16. I found it really hard to deal with at the time, but still, for a boy like me it must've been way easier still than for a girl I imagine..  My absolute respect! 

I get why you were wearing a wig, I started out wearing snapbacks but it didn't take long until I couldn't stand it anymore; tbd it was ridiculously annoying and itchy, especially in the summer! I can just agree with you, just open up to the people around you, you'll be surprised how appreciative they are! I am really speaking from experience, don't let this get you down - it took me a while but I've come past the point of associating my self-esteem with this (which was hard enough, though!).. 

I wouldn't say that it doesn't bother me any more, but now it's the small things - the way you always get dust in your eyes.. Annoying! Eyebrows & lashes are good for something after all I guess, besides looking great!

But that just on the sidelines!.. ;) 

I guess what I'm trying to say is keep your heads up, y'all!




Awesome, I hope to have a professional photographer take a picture of me with out wig someday. Just for me, I am nervous about, but think help me feel more comfortable without hair. You make me realize time to narrow down when I'm gonna do it, will keep you posted. Thanks and <3 =)

Wow I am amazed at how similar our stories are! I am also a 17 year old girl who just graduated high school. I got alopecia universalis right before freshman year and wore wigs freshman and sophomore year. I didn't even tell one person about it. But junior year I felt similar to you and wanted to show people and tell people about my alopecia. I posted a picture and it was the best decision I've ever made! I would love to talk to you and get you know you more!

You are one gutsy young lady.  At an age when vanity prevails, you get shot down with hair loss.  How you responded to this situation has empowered you to handle all that life dishes out with logic, power and grace. You are becoming a superwoman!

With FFA, I face the balding possibility.  I really don't mind, I just want this to be over.  I wonder if I have a nicely shaped head? LOL!




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