June 2012 Blog Posts (49)

Wendy Williams doesn't show her hair because it's thinning

Wendy doesn't show her hair because it's thinned by her thyroid disease. Wendy has always been open to the fact that she wears wigs and weaves. Just thought I would share that.

Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on June 17, 2012 at 12:25am — 4 Comments

Hair tattooing

has anyone had the hair tattoo where they tattoo the head to just make it look like your head has had a close shave? my main concern would be long term regarding discolouration etc but would appreciate and advice or information.

i started losing my hair 5 months ago, and iv now lost 40 % of my beard and i have maybe 6 patches on my head of various sizes.

i just got the steroid injections a couple of days ago to all my patches so fingers crossed it works.

its the first time iv…


Added by monkeyhanger on June 16, 2012 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Eating habits

What's the foods I can eat to make my hair grow back faster, I read some blogs and they said if you Change your diet that it will help. Will ppl pleasr messge back and ley me knoe some foods. Please. Thank you.

Added by Devin on June 15, 2012 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

International Alopecia Day 2012 - Saturday, August 4!


A small get-together with friends? Lunch? Picnic in the park? Walk/run? Info table at a mall? Party? Check out the previous years' videos for ideas. Plan something small or large.

It's our day to raise public awareness and celebrate with friends. For those of you who've been wanting to try going out in public bald for the first time, THIS is the perfect day!

Be a part of this year's YouTube video slideshow…


Added by Mary on June 15, 2012 at 1:50pm — 50 Comments

So what's next?

Went to my recent specialist appt and was told I am very healthy and that my blood tests (now required monthly due to Plaquenil) came back perfect. I am in perfect health.

So why do I not feel healthy and perfect?

I know am not alone, there are many (of you) like me and I have the greatest husband and best friend in the world.

So why do I feel like I am in this alone?

I am so inspired by all of you as you shave your hair and face the world in your beautiful wigs… Continue

Added by Amanda on June 14, 2012 at 8:12pm — 3 Comments

Thinking out loud

Some say "she's funny", some say "she's cool"...

I say "what do I care, even if you call me a fool"!

Some say "try colorful wigs", some say "bandanas are hot"...

I say "myaaeehh whatever... I am happy with my shiny pot"!

Some say "ooh hot stuff", "look at that baldy" some shout...

I say "forgive them Lord, they don't know what life's about"!

Some say "nice style crazy girl", some say "oh how sad"...

I say "I count my blessings... and blessed I am...…


Added by Swasti Shree Sharma on June 14, 2012 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

This is the worst day I've had in a long time

This is the worst day I've had in a long time. I spent two hours in the bathroom looking at and playing with my hair to try and figure out how bad it might look in public. I know I shouldn't care. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I hate listening to my friends fuss over how they hate their hair when all I see is thick beautiful hair on their heads. My husband says I'm the only one who really notices. Maybe that's true. I wish I could just shave my head and feel like it would be socially…


Added by Alison on June 14, 2012 at 11:30am — 11 Comments

Beauty is beyond what is seen

No matter what, keep your head up and all will be okay. Don't think that just because you lose your hair that you lose everything. Its more to a person than what they look like. In this world that we live in there is much to be discovered, but the best discovery is to find peace in yourself. It took me a long time to realize this, but I have, I have been feeling much better. I look in the mirror at my bald head and smile. Have alopecia is not just about losing your hair, here its about…


Added by Julius Taylor on June 13, 2012 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

Sometimes I forget I have alopecia

I don’t know if it is just me, or if there is a real shift happening in the world. I just know I have not blogged lately because I really have a difficult time thinking of something to blog about.

Few things in my everyday life remind me that I have alopecia areata. I can’t remember the last time that someone asked me why I am bald. I seriously cannot think of one instance in 2012. In fact, these days I find myself looking for opportunities to share.

My husband saw a woman with…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on June 13, 2012 at 5:19pm — 34 Comments

Advice on celiac

My friend has just confided in me that her 3yr old daughter has bn diagnosed with celiac disease and her hair is thinning. I am gutted that this is happening as i know how hard hair loss is for me an adult but she's just a baby :( although i suffer hair loss i dont know wat to say or do for my friend, she is in bits and terrified. I will answer her questions as much as i can but i dont know much about ceoliac disease! Why does this shitty alopecia pick on us, i pray that we find the…


Added by lynne on June 13, 2012 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Regrowing hair - UCLA-VA researchers may have accidentally discovered a solution - By Enrique Rivero - February 16, 2011


It has been long known that stress plays a part not just in the graying of hair but in hair loss as well. Over the years, numerous hair-restoration remedies have emerged, ranging from hucksters' "miracle solvents" to legitimate medications such as minoxidil. But even the…


Added by Swasti Shree Sharma on June 13, 2012 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

I am not my hair...right?

I can remember the first time my hair started to shed. I thought it was falling out. I saw more of my hair on the bathroom floor daily. My friend started doing my hair and nursed it back to health. It came back, no more breaking off, no more shedding and it was healthy. I didn't think another thing about it.

When my mother was in her 40's her hair started to shed and fall out. Her eyelashes even fell out. But I remember telling her it wasn't a big deal and that she was still…


Added by hersheysmb on June 12, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments

My experience

I am a bald woman not by choice, but made the courageous choice to share it with the world. As a child growing up in the 1970's, I remember getting compliments on my very huge Afro. Folks use to say, look at that pudgy cute little girl with that big ole' Afro lol. During my wonder years, one of my older (envious) sisters persuaded me to perm my hair. What an EPIC fail! It was a downward spiral after that and the remnants of weaves, braids, and perms were the only reminders of my journey of…


Added by moonflower on June 11, 2012 at 11:40pm — 5 Comments


2.5 yrs ago, my hair stylist told that that there were 3 bald spots on my head. i was stunned n depressed for 3 months. i sought various medical treatment including chinese medicine, none of these helped n i actually was too scared too wash my hair every nite. showering became my biggest fear coz i was too shocked to see almost 200 strands of hair falling fm your own head every day. yes, i was counting, the more i counted, i more i went crazy with my inner demon torturing me.



Added by jacques on June 11, 2012 at 10:12pm — No Comments


I've been wearing a wig now for 1 1/2 months. I've received many compliments from folks who just thought I got a new cut and/or color. Wonderful! HOWEVER, I was not prepared for someone to ask me the name of my stylist (in the middle of a work meeting, nonetheless!). Awkward! I wiggled out of the situation by promising to email the info later. Now I'm hoping she won't call me on it. If she does, I will be honest, but I'd rather not go there.

Next dilemma is to figure out how to get my…


Added by Tracey on June 11, 2012 at 6:26pm — 7 Comments


Hi Everyone! I'm new here and new to the whole alopecia thing. I was diagnosed 2 months ago with Celiac Disease. I'd suffered for over a year telling my doctors I was losing weight for no reason and I think they just thought I was nuts. I finally got a diagnosis when my daughter was diagnosed with Celiac. Now I feel lost and alone with alopecia. My daughter does not have alopecia and I think I'm confused. Can anyone tell me if my head will still itch even though I'm gluten free. I've been…


Added by Brenda on June 11, 2012 at 12:44pm — 3 Comments

My experience so far - the first 3 months

I've been a member of this site for a while now and always thought about writing something about my experience so far but never got round to it. In this post I am going to be as honest as possible.

I found out I had alopecia in February 2012. I had one large patch the size of a goose egg at the back of my head. To my dismay I never noticed it although my younger sister had when it was the size of a 10p piece back in December 2011 and she couldn't find it in her to tell me.



Added by Hayley on June 10, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Today's thoughts

we live in such a shallow world

appearances are so highly regarded. It is actually saddening.

If this condition has given me nothing else in the last 12 years- it is the realisation that beauty comes from within.

It really saddens me that some with alopecia are too afraid to even tell people about it because of being judged.

When we die- we are not remembered for our looks, but for the people we are !

As frustrating and upsetting this disease can be, I am thankful…


Added by S alopecia on June 10, 2012 at 12:00am — No Comments

First time going to support group

I am planning on going to my first support group this Monday June 11. I am really nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

Added by You can do it : ) on June 9, 2012 at 11:52pm — 3 Comments

My 1st day bald at work

Please click the link to view the story.
Thank you!

Added by Alliegator on June 9, 2012 at 1:03pm — 4 Comments

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