

Lusby, Maryland

United States

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About Me:
Got alopecia over the last couple years, and so far it grows back white, so Ive got white patches on back of my head that everyone thinks is cool. I dont so much, but if they all like it, whatever! Lately, its decided to turn the whole lower half of the nape of my neck all white, and you can almost see an out line.. It looks really stupid. I get double takes all the time because of it.
I am retired U.S. Navy, used to work on FA18 Hornets, A6E Intruders, P-3 Orion Sub hunters and DC9 transport planes.
I worked in Michigan as a fire protection systems tech for 8 years until the auto industry crashed and got laid off. Took a leap of faith and drove to Maryland to check out a new job working on aircraft for the government again. Looks like a good job and the pay seems like it will be better (8 dollars an hour better) at an old base I was stationed at in the early 80's. What a great time reminiscing of old times! And man this place has changed.. and every bit for the better. More to come later...

**Took the job, have been here a year and I love it! Great place to live and work, I own a great home, I am also an active member of AA and attend meetings here, and live with my wife, 1 daughter and two dogs and 3 cats. Lifes been good!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Dave, congrats on the leap of faith (move) and the new job opportunity! Michigan misses you, but we totally understand ;). We will probably eventually take that route too, but not until rj daughters are all grown up, the youngest is about to turn 16.
  • Tallgirl

    Awesome page design! I'm not into aircraft myself, but I like how the picture stays still and the copy moves. How did you do that?
  • Michelle

    Thanks for the friend request Dave!