
37, Female

Ashland, KY

United States

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About Me:
I've had alopecia areata since 2006. I'm on my third wig now-- I have had periods of regrowth in-between wigs, the last regrowth being almost 100% 1 1/2 years ago. I saw a lot of medical doctors when I was looking for answers, and the only thing I found out from them for certain was that my hairloss was definitely auto-immune related. I used an ointment on my scalp that achieved decent regrowth called Drithoscalp, however I found that using it was very painful, messy, and the minute you stop, hair begins to fall out again. I worried about the long-term affects of using this prescription for possibly the rest of my life.

I've been very eager to seek out more holistic methods and have just started cutting out gluten in my diet. I tried it once before and was missed wheat too much, but this time, I'm super determined to give it my best shot. I get tired of wearing a wig, and really miss having all my eyelashes and eyebrows. Here's hoping!!

Oh, also, I invite anyone who has tried or is interested in trying natural methods like diet changes, herbs, etc, to let me know how it is going for them!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Lexi

    Majal, Thank you for adding me!I say go for it and put some color in your life. If I only were younger! I would have streaks of purple in my wig!!

  • Jennah

    Is that a wig you are wearing in your profile pic, is very pretty on you. Where did you get it? :)

  • Stressed

    How did it all go? The acupuncture and diet ? Thanks