Susan Innes


Waunakee, WI

United States

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About Me:
Retired art educator and medical transcriptionist whose retirement includes drawing, painting, and rescuing small dogs. Some of my favorite places are the local dog parks:).
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Heidi

    I would love to join the Wisconsin group!  Just got back from Vegas with my husband and one of our sons and his wife. Always good to get away. Keep thinking I'll see someone else with AU, but never do.

  • Miranda_m

    Thank you for your encouraging words! I will look into that group!

  • Cinzie

    Thank you for the welcome, Susan!  You must keep an eye out for new WI members.  :-)

    I admit, I might not join a get-together, since I feel much more comfortable hiding behind my keyboard.  I've always been a socially anxious person, even before I developed Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia / Lichen Planopilaris in the past few years.  As if I wasn't already scared to be around people, this has given me even more of an excuse!

    Still, I'm looking forward to lurking here and perhaps contributing now and then.  It really does help knowing that this community is there.   Thanks again, and take good care.