
, Female


United States

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About Me:
I am 34 years old, married to a wonderful man and have 3 beautiful children, with a 4th on the way--due end of April 2009.

I found out I had AA at age 14. The loss has been up and down: age 14-21 AA (spots that could be covered), age 22-23 AT, age 24-31 minor AA (just a few spots), 2006-present AU.

I never thought I would say this, but I am truly grateful that I have AA because it has pushed me and stretched me and made me so much stronger. I am more confident in myself now than I have ever been because I finally realize that the true me does not reside in my hair or any other part of my appearance. The true me is the soul that lives within. Letting go of the world's perceptions of beauty, a mold that so few fit, and accepting myself for who I am as a person has made me so happy. I no longer envy others the way I did (with and with out hair). I know that I am beautiful and it does not come from what I see in the mirror, it comes from within. It has been a long climb getting here, and I still have a long way to go, but it is sure a magnificent view!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Jessica

    Hey Shannon,

    thank you so much, we think she's pretty great too! Your baby must be going on a year by now. Please fill me in on what you've been up too.
    I am in the market for a new wig. i have a vacuum which I love but due to the preice and having 4 children now I can't spend the money on a new one anytime soon. Since we last chatted I have lost almost all of my head hair I have a few patches here and there, and have lost all my body hair. This all came about from changing my thyroind meds, in Aug08 and it came out face.
    well enough about me, I do hope all is well in your life.

  • Marte Carlson

    Shannon you are so beautiful!! Way to be proud of who you are!! I am a mom of a beautiful 3yr old and you give me hope knowing that she will be a beautiful women. Thanks!!

    Your kids are adorable!!!
  • Struth

    Hi Shannon - you have gorgeous photos; the one with you and your dad is awesome! Make me realise I'm not documenting my kids' lives with me (I'm happy to be the one taking the photos; just not to be IN the pic). Time to change that mindset, me thinks! :)