

Wheaton, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • D Costa

    Hi my profile probably needs to be updated. I gave birth back in 2011. I was 19 when I noticed my first spot though. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
  • D Costa

    Postpartem spots got very progressive. I started using Thymuskin and feel it really helped slow the process. I'm currently about 50% hair loss right now (same going on five years). Hope this helps.
  • Niece

    sorry PAtchylatchy just saw this message..very late! You asked about my AU and if I had AA first. No, I did not. First noticed hairline thinning and within about 3-4 months lost all my hair. Its been over 3 years now..getting easier but to be honest I still struggle with alopecia. Have my hopes set on a treatment/cure in the years ahead. How are you doing?