Orange County

A group for Orange County, Ca. or anyone who wants to join! I am fairly new to the area and wanted a group for anyone, ecspecially local people to talk. I would love to have a support group in the area to talk to others! Thanks!
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  • Erika

    hello there just trying to get my head on straight with this issue I know some of you its is hard and some it seems you have learned to deal and I want to be one to deal and get up in the morning and feel good about myself as of right now it is no the case.... would love a great support group!!! just moved to the OC because of work I am a Nurse..

  • Nazy Curtis


    I just wanted to share this resource. We have a support group once every two months. Would love to see some of you there.

  • JeffreySF

     NAAF Conference 2015 is in your neighborhood. Anaheim!