Natural Treatment For Alopecia

Join a group that disregards the severity of hair loss and the allopathic (medical) prognosis of alopecia. The focus is a willingness to share experiences and an ability to be open to new approaches to healing.
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  • Ginny

    My husband is a colour therapist who is also into using natural remedies. Talking to lots of people with Alopecia we have discovered that stress in it's many forms is a factor in setting off alopecia? What have you found?

  • sunny112358

    Hello is this group still active?

  • Sidney Prescott

    Hi, new to this group. Have had alopecia since for 14 years now. When I was first diagnosed I tried some steroid treatments but never really stuck with them long enough to know if they would have worked. (I had bad experiences with doctors and was tired of it so I stopped). 

    I am interested now in trying to treat my alopecia with diet and nutrition - from the inside out. I have recently also been diagnosed with MS ! I'm curious if there are others out there who also have MS as autoimmune diseases tend to cluster. (I've also had eczema in the past but it has seemed to improve the last few years)

    Because of this new diagnosis I am feeling more ambitious in finding out what the hell is going on with my body and if there is something I can do to start fixing my immune system. I am working with a doctor right now who is prescribing me high doses of VITAMIN D. I've been doing a lot of research about this and its effect on autoimmune disorders. 

    So anyway just wanted to connect - any one out there who also has multiple sclerosis or has been diagnosed with any other autoimmune conditions? Any one else taking high doses of Vitamin D?