Female Pattern Baldness

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Hair loss + excess hair

Hi all,

Does anyone out there also have issues with excess hair growth where it does not belong (on a female at least)? In the past 2 years my head hair started following out rapidly (down to about a third of what it was) and I started having problems with extra hair growth other places. I have been to a derm and an endo and my hormone tests are all normal. It seems that my hair folicles are just overly sensitive to normal levels of male hormones. I see info/support groups on hirsutism and info/support groups on hair loss, but I haven't seen anything really with both. Am I the only one??? IF anyone has any experience with this as well I would love to hear about it . . . it would make me feel a lot less lonely.


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    Christy Ingram

    Hi Amy, I hope you are doing good! I seem to have quite a bit of very pale downy like hair, mutton chop area on my face. My legs and arm pits seem to have about the usual amount of hair for me....I would really love not having to shave these areas anymore. I have never had a lot of hair in my private area, so I've never really given sparseness there a second thought. My hormones are normal, or at least the Dr's say so, But I feel like they are out of wack!!! I had a hysterectomy in 2007 because of fibroids/heavy extended periods, hoping that my hair loss would slow down and possibly reverse...no such luck! I am losing my eyebrows but will occasionally have wild thick looking hairs grow in the area where it really shouldn't be....*sigh*
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      I have the same problem. I stopped treating my hair loss about 9 months ago. Since then I have temporal balding which is painful and itchy all the time. Plus, have developed crazy muscles, acne and lots of masculine hair growth. I have normal levels of hormones and have seen endo, derm, gyne. No solutions other than mucking with hormones with meds.

      I feel very helpless and frustrated. I try to ignore it, but it's impossible. Constant reminders with hair shedding or a glance down at my knuckles while typing and seeing tons of hair?!?! I really can't believe this is happening to me and am so sorry it's happening to others!! You're not alone!
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        A slew of symptoms came before I starting losing hair. Acne, oiliness, excess hair (I pluck 'em gone!) and my body shape changed. I did blood tests with a doctor and found that I don't have PCOS. However, the doctor agreed I had androgen sensitivity. That is what they speculate is the cause of women's female pattern baldness. I'm going to go back to the doctor again, a year later, because my periods are acting really wonky. And I've been feeling crappier around that time of month than is normal for me. Sorry if this is TMI. I want my hormones and throid checked again, just to make sure...

        But the doc told me that excess hair is common with female pattern hair loss. :/