When you didn’t believe it would be worse

I have 9 years whit Alopecia Areata. I have ups and downs every month. And it’s ok.

Then, last summer I started losing some eyelashes, and now I don’t have any eyelashes on my left eye. Woho! Just on my right side, but it seems that it’s going to fall off soon too. What’s the point on just loosing on one side? Clearly it’s something :p

It just didn’t seem fair! And then I went in my state of mind where it’s ok, and nothing to do whit, and I’m lucky because I don’t have cancer or have lost a limb or something.

I have always gone in this place where I’m lucky and accept things as they are, I’ve done it sins I got aa J So in my 9 years whit aa, and this Saturday was the first time I ever sign up for a community online that have the same illness. And I’m so happy that I did!

So people, help me! I need good advises on fake eyelashes, what’s good and if some of you have experience the same.

Love from the cold North! J

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    Hi Janita,

    Sorry to hear your are loosing eye lashes in one eye, I hope they will grow back quickly! Do you still cope ok with having AA after 9 years? there are some semi permanent tattoos you can have applied at beauticians even ones you can have on your eyes, its like eyeliner but darkens around your eyes and it gives the impression of lashes, good luck with what you do :)


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      I so understand. Nine years is a long time. I've been dealing with this for 15 years and I wish that tomorrow I would wake up and it would all just stop. The constant merry go round of losing it, growing it back to losing it again. I really do not want to wear a wig. Those things are hot if you still have some hair. I really don't want to shave what I have off. Hair pieces just weigh your hair down and cause damage.
      Then,like you, I tell myself... I could be blind, dying of cancer, have a child or husband dying, have a child with this dreaded disease. It's only hair. ...
      I'm so happy to learn of this website. I feel lucky to have found it too.
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        Hi Janita. I have had alopecia 26 years now and it was so hard at the beginning. I was 24. Now at almost 51 I finally have reached out to others with alopecia. I've been wearing hairpieces and fake eyelashes for many many years. I get eyelashes at walgreens mostly. I put them on every day to go to work. I just feel so naked without them. I have my eyebrows tattooed on 3 years now. I wear a lot of hats too! I know we are all beautiful even without all the hair and makeup but I am always approached by others when I just wear a hat. Asking about chemo treatments! I'm so tired of explaining. Do you feel the same?